我们还是可以使用程序来模拟JavaScript Interface接口的实现。一般来说,模拟Interface的实现有如下三种方法:
代码如下 复制代码
// Constructor /* * @param name String 接口的名字 * @param methods Array 接口里面定义的方法 */ var Interface = function(name, methods){ //如果购造函数的参数不等于2个,那么抛出异常 if (arguments.length != 2) { throw new Error("Interface constructor called with " + arguments.length + "arguments,but expected exactyl 2.") } this.name = name; this.methods = []; //方法数组,保证传进来的methods数组中,每一个元素都是字符串类型 for (var i = 0, len = methods.length; i < len; i++) { if (typeof methods[i] !== "string") { throw new Error("Interface constructor expects methods names to bo " + "passed in asastring."); } this.methods.push(methods[i]); } } //Static class methods Interface.ensureImplements = function(object){ //如果参数少于2个,抛出异常,object是待判断实现接口的对象 if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new Error("Function Interface.ensureImplements called with " + arguments.length + "arguments,but expected at least 2."); } for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { //inter_face为接口,一定要实现Interface类 //书中使用interface,因是JavaScript中保留字,所以暂替换为inter_face var inter_face = arguments[i]; if (inter_face.constructor !== Interface) { throw new Error("Function Interface.ensureImplementsexpects arguments " + "two and above to be instances of Interface."); } for (var j = 0, methodsLen = inter_face.methods.length; j < methodsLen; j++) { //对象中是否含有接口中定义的方法 var method = inter_face.methods[j]; if (!object[method] || typeof object[method] !== 'function') { throw new Error("Function Interface.ensureImplements: object " + "does not implements the " + inter_face.name + "interface.Method " + method + "was not found."); } } } }
代码如下 复制代码
//定义接口Composite,实现add,remove,getChild三种方法 var Composite = new Interface('Composite',['add','remove','getChild']); //定义接口FormItem,实现save方法 var FormItem = new Interface('FormItem',['save']); //判断对象是否实现了上述两个接口 var object = new Class(); Interface.ensureImplements(object,Composite,FormItem);