要判断这个 CSS 文件是否加载完毕,各个浏览器的做法差异比较大,这次要说IE浏览器做的不错,我们可以直接通过onload方法来处理CSS加载完成以后的处理:
// 代码节选至seajsfunction styleOnload(node, callback) { // for IE6-9 and Opera if (node.attachEvent) { node.attachEvent('onload', callback); // NOTICE: // 1. "onload" will be fired in IE6-9 when the file is 404, but in // this situation, Opera does nothing, so fallback to timeout. // 2. "onerror" doesn't fire in any browsers! } }
// 代码节选至seajs function poll(node, callback) { if (callback.isCalled) { return; } var isLoaded = false; if (/webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {//webkit if (node['sheet']) { isLoaded = true; } } // for Firefox else if (node['sheet']) { try { if (node['sheet'].cssRules) { isLoaded = true; } } catch (ex) { // NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR if (ex.code === 1000) { isLoaded = true; } } } if (isLoaded) { // give time to render. setTimeout(function() { callback(); }, 1); } else { setTimeout(function() { poll(node, callback); }, 1); } } setTimeout(function() { poll(node, callback); }, 0);
function styleOnload(node, callback) { // for IE6-9 and Opera if (node.attachEvent) { node.attachEvent('onload', callback); // NOTICE: // 1. "onload" will be fired in IE6-9 when the file is 404, but in // this situation, Opera does nothing, so fallback to timeout. // 2. "onerror" doesn't fire in any browsers! } // polling for Firefox, Chrome, Safari else { setTimeout(function() { poll(node, callback); }, 0); // for cache } } function poll(node, callback) { if (callback.isCalled) { return; } var isLoaded = false; if (/webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {//webkit if (node['sheet']) { isLoaded = true; } } // for Firefox else if (node['sheet']) { try { if (node['sheet'].cssRules) { isLoaded = true; } } catch (ex) { // NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR if (ex.code === 1000) { isLoaded = true; } } } if (isLoaded) { // give time to render. setTimeout(function() { callback(); }, 1); } else { setTimeout(function() { poll(node, callback); }, 1); } }// 我的动态创建LINK函数function createLink(cssURL,lnkId,charset,media){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], linkTag = null; if(!cssURL){ return false; } linkTag = document.createElement('link'); linkTag.setAttribute('id',(lnkId || 'dynamic-style')); linkTag.setAttribute('rel','stylesheet'); linkTag.setAttribute('charset',(charset || 'utf-8')); linkTag.setAttribute('media',(media||'all')); linkTag.setAttribute('type','text/css'); linkTag.href = cssURL; head.appendChild(linkTag); }function loadcss(){ var styleNode = createLink('/wp-content/themes/BlueNight/style.css'); styleOnload(styleNode,function(){ alert("loaded"); }); }
在看到seajs的代码的时候,我立刻想起了我看到Diego Perini的另一个解决方案
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Perini * All rights reserved. * * cssready.js - CSS loaded/ready state notification * * Author: Diego Perini <diego.perini at gmail com> * Version: 0.1 * Created: 20100616 * Release: 20101104 * * License: * http://www.jb51.net * Download: * http://javascript.nwbox.com/cssready/cssready.js */function cssReady(fn, link) { var d = document, t = d.createStyleSheet, r = t ? 'rules' : 'cssRules', s = t ? 'styleSheet' : 'sheet', l = d.getElementsByTagName('link'); // passed link or last link node link || (link = l[l.length - 1]); function check() { try { return link && link[s] && link[s][r] && link[s][r][0]; } catch(e) { return false; } } (function poll() { check() && setTimeout(fn, 0) || setTimeout(poll, 100); })(); }
/* * css是否加载完毕 */ function cssReady(callback, node) { // for IE6-9 and Opera if (node.attachEvent) { node.attachEvent('onload', callback); // NOTICE: // 1. "onload" will be fired in IE6-9 when the file is 404, but in // this situation, Opera does nothing, so fallback to timeout. // 2. "onerror" doesn't fire in any browsers! } // polling for Firefox, Chrome, Safari else { setTimeout(function () { poll(node, callback); }, 0); // for cache } } function poll(node, callback) { if (callback.isCalled) { return; } var isLoaded = false; if (node['sheet']) { isLoaded = true; } if (isLoaded) { // give time to render. setTimeout(callback, 1); } else { setTimeout(function () { poll(node, callback); }, 1); } }