In this article, we will discuss about: minute(), microsecond(), and hour() MySQL functions. We will do these with the help of their syntax, usage and use cases.,MySQL是一个开源的关系型数据库管理系统。它允许用户存储和操作数据。在MySQL中,我们可以使用函数执行特定的任务。,The MINUTE() function returns the minute portion of a given time or datetime value. It takes one argument, which is the time or datetime value to extract the minutes.,Output range is 0 to 59 as integer value.,The syntax of the MINUTE() function is as follows,登录后复制,的翻译为:,登录后复制,The output will be a single number. It represents the current minute value.,登录后复制,输出将是分钟值,这里是06。,的中文翻译为:,登录后复制,输出将是分钟值,这里是06。,MINUTE()函数可用于计算两个事件之间的时间长度。它可以设置特定时间戳的分钟值。,The MICROSECOND() function returns the microsecond portion of a given time or datetime value. It takes one argument, which is the time or datetime value to extract the microsecond.,Output range is 0 to 999999 as integer value.,The syntax of the MICROSECOND() function is as follows,登录后复制,的翻译为:,登录后复制,输出将是一个单独的数字。它代表当前微秒值。,登录后复制,The output will be microsecond value which is 05 here.,的中文翻译为:,登录后复制登录后复制,输出将是微秒值,这里是568549。,The MICROSECOND() function can be useful in scenarios where high precision is required.,HOUR()函数返回给定时间或日期时间值的小时部分。它接受一个参数,该参数是要提取小时的时间或日期时间值。,输出范围为0到23的整数值。,The syntax of the HOUR() function is as follows,登录后复制,的翻译为:,登录后复制,输出将是一个单一的数字。它代表当前的小时值。,登录后复制,The output will be minute value which is 13 here.,的中文翻译为:,登录后复制登录后复制,The output will be minute value which is 13 here.,HOUR()函数在需要从时间戳中提取小时值的场景中非常有用。,我们已经讨论了这三个MySQL函数。这些函数用于处理时间或日期时间值。它们都只接受一个参数,即时间或日期时间。它们都返回一个整数值。,以上就是MySQL 中的 MINUTE()、MICROSECOND() 和 HOUR() 函数的详细内容,更多请关注www.92cms.cn其它相关文章!

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