在 Solaris 上安装 MySQL

MySQL can be installed on Solaris using a binary package which is the native Solaris PKG format, instead of using the binary tarball distribution. The installation package has a dependency on the Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 Runtime Libraries. This needs to be installed before running the MySQL installation package.,The installation package ensures that the runtime libraries only are installed, instead of having to install the full Oracle Developer Studio. This package can be used by downloading the corresponding mysql-VERSION-solaris11-PLATFORM.pkg.gz file.,This needs to be uncompressed after being downloaded. Below is a sample code to do the same −,登录后复制,如果需要安装新软件包,则需要使用“pkgadd”选项,并按照屏幕上的提示进行操作。,此外,用户必须具有root权限才能执行此操作。,登录后复制,The PKG installer installs all the files and tools that are needed, and initializes the database as well (if it doesn’t exist).,To complete the installation, the root password for MySQL has to be set based on the instructions provided at the end of the installation. Otherwise, there is another way to do this- The ‘mysql_secure_installation’ script has to be run, which comes with the installation.,By default, the PKG package installs MySQL under the root path, i.e /opt/mysql. The installation root path can be changed only if ‘pkgadd’ is used. This can be used to install MySQL in a different zone of Solaris.,If MySQL needs to be automatically enabled during startup and closed when the system is shut down, a link needs to be created between this file and the ‘init’ script directories.,To ensure safe startup and shutdown of MySQL, the below commands can be added to the correct links.,登录后复制,如果需要升级Solaris软件包文件格式,则在安装更新的软件包之前需要删除现有的软件包安装。当删除软件包时,它不会删除数据库上的现有信息。它只会删除服务器、二进制文件和支持文件。,以上就是在 Solaris 上安装 MySQL的详细内容,更多请关注www.92cms.cn其它相关文章!

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